If you think that email marketing automation is old news, we’ve got a surprise for you. Leading marketers believe that B2C marketing automation is gaining its momentum right now. If you don’t believe us, look at the statistics.

The astonishing 67% of global Marketing game-changers use Marketing automation tools. As a result, the spending on them is expected to grow from $11.4 billion in 2017 up to $25.1 billion by 2023.

Numbers don’t lie. And with email marketing already being one of the most used types of marketing techniques, we expect email marketing automation to become the next big thing.

Just think about it: Marketing is all about pace. As a Marketer, you have to keep many balls in the air: social media campaigns, landing page optimizations, lead magnets development are but a few of the tasks you have to keep an eye on all the time. With an endless list of responsibilities, it is hard to make sure that your emails are also targeted at the right people with the right message and at the right time. That is when the B2C email marketing automation really comes in handy.

We are great email marketing automation believers. And if you are still wondering why you should opt for it, this article is exactly what you need. So, shall we?

Importance of email marketing automation in B2C

We know at least seven reasons why you should opt for this automation type:

1. It increases customer engagement with highly personalized and timely content.

Let’s face it: an average user receives tons of promotional emails every day. But he only reads and responds to those that offer real value (or as Litmus puts it, “memorable emails”). That is when email automation is a real find: with it, you get to split your subscribers into segments and send emails to each segment at the most reasonable hour with the most appealing to them message.

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2. It skyrockets your open rates up to 250%.

Studies show that more appealing messages sent at the perfect time to the right audience translate into higher open rates. It is a no-brainer, right? And more opened and read emails result in an increased sales level. So, why not giving it a try?

3. It helps you address the subscriber during the critical points of his customer journey. 

With email automation taking the marketing to a brand-new level, you can easily optimize and fine-tune all the processes. Send welcome emails, offers to repurchase an item or prolong the membership, and other incentives at the right time by setting up triggers inside a marketing automation platform – and reap the rich sales harvest.

Customize triggers for each page, link, and button and send out emails based on the users’ behavior. This way you will stay at the top of the customer’s mind at the critical points of the lifecycle.  

4. Test and choose what’s working best.

Marketing automation is all about A/B testing. You learn on the go experimenting with what headlines, CTAs, tone, and messages work wonders for your business. And not only that but you also get to play around with segments and audiences finally getting a chance to create a clear profile of who your target audience is, what their preferences are, and what products and offers will be of the most relevance to them. No matter how much research you have done prior to the email campaign, you still have to optimize the course of action and edit campaigns along the way.


5. Nurture your potential and paying customers.

No matter whether you are aiming to improve customer loyalty of the existing clients or trying to stay connected with those who aren’t ready to make a purchase at your website until you win their trust and make them change their mind. It is all about “nurturing.” It can be a real pain in the neck, but as long as you automate the processes, it’s not that hard. Plus, it is extremely rewarding, since nurtured leads tend to spend more than first-time visitors on your products.


6. It helps you convert warm prospects into paying clients faster.

Since the email automation helps identify what triggers your potential customers, the process of nurturing a first-time visitor of your website into a paying customer does not take as long as it would with the “blanket blast” email campaigns.
You talk their language using examples they understand and encouraging them to purchase a product that answers their pain points. All of these factors combined end up being the key to faster conversions and increased revenue.

7. It increases the automation efficiency of repetitive customer relationship tasks.

Small business marketing automation has efficiency at its core. As a small business owner, you do not have a spare pair of hands to deal with customer relationship management on a daily basis. That is why having an email marketing automation platform to delegate this responsibility to is a real lifesaver. It’s a sort of “set it and forget it” kind of trick, and we guarantee business owners love it!

With 46% of U.S. citizens agreeing that these days that are more likely to change their service providers than they were a decade ago, loyalty should be your top priority.

And email marketing automation is exactly what you need for this purpose. It can help you nurture potential and existing clients by segmenting them and adjusting your message to their particular needs. Besides, you get to save your time and experiment until you finally find out what works for each and every audience the best.

Now that you know how urgent your need for quality email marketing automation in B2C is, you might be wondering what tools to use. And it is only fair for us to mention Platformly here. As a state-of-the-art solution for busy business owners focused on growth and development, it is everything you need to improve and automate your B2C email marketing (plus, the platform allows for so much more!)

These are the major reasons why we believe that email marketing automation is something you should consider for your business. You’ll be surprised how much you can grow your business with a special automation tool. Will you give it a try?

About Author

Irina is a growth marketer at Platformly. She is all about random cool ideas, product marketing, and making things happen.


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